Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Loving my job..

This piece is being written during one of those rare times when my employers have no tasks to assign me.. ;)
Well, this has two sides.., occasions such as these allow me to share with you something like this very write-up; at the same time the fact that i love my work is equally true.

Our friend Mr. Confucius once said, "Choose a job you like and you will never have to work a day of your life."
I guess you will agree with Me and Confucius w.r.t. the above statement.
This is exactly what I like abt bein here in my office frenz.. I did choose something as my job which I have been doing ardently in my life day in and day out.., smthng towards which I have always been striving.., to constantly try and find out faults/errors/mistakes in smthng or smbdy and correcting them, to see things get into a better shape by doing away with the imperfections by rather getting them fixed.. You may find this as madness.., but there's a method to my madness. Yes, I'm a Mad Man on a Mission.. I'm a Software Tester.. a software tester with a great appetite for finding bugs, faults, and errors which may cause the software, which the developers of my team are developing with great efforts and innovative ideas, to fail or malfunction. 

I'm usually seen as carrier or messenger of bad news (as I keep reporting so many bugs in their babies :P) from a software developer's perspective, but I do not mind it because I know that I am the main contributor towards constant improvement of the Quality of Software.
I just love being what I am personally and professionally and the beautiful sync between these two..

You will find the following incident quite interesting, and I am pretty happy that it happened..
I am actually a mechanical engineering graduate who has been studying four full years about kinetics, kinematics, dynamics, optics, structures, strength, machines, thermodynamics, engines.., and probably everything which wasn't related with software. And, I have been duin all this with gud interest and with a vague idea that very soon I am going to set up a nice little niche for myself in the mechanical engineering career field. 
The final year approached very soon and I successfuly cleared all my 44 theory subjects and 14 odd practicals xamz with distinction.
Soon after my xamz, with a strange twist of fate I joined a 2 week Software Testing course which was offered by our college management. I joined this as I did not want to get bored by sitting at home till I find something worthwhile to do with my life. This course has acted like a guiding light of my career. The very next day I knew what I wanted to become as I have realized that there is this avenue for me which will allow me to 'earn while I enjoy'..
Immediately, I was identified as a potential talent and was offered a job as Software Tester where I was going to join and fill the shoes of a three years experienced guy who just left. I was all happy as I knew in my mind and wz confident that I am now into something which was all play and no work for a guy like me. Today I have finished 10 months in office.. I was professionally promoted as QA Team Lead immediately after I finished my probation period of six months here.

During all these events one thing I am constantly pursuaded with by my friends and well-wishers that I need to reconsider my career path with the long-term goal in mind. Well, I will do that but you know what.. I am ME.. I have my plans.. And, I am pretty sure and confident that whatever I am going to do with in my life, I am going to enjoy it, because I am going to like it invariably!! :))

"Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." - Abraham Lincoln


  1. Great!! you're truly inspiring :)

  2. superb! clear message - " life is a surprise box, keep a smile and open it.. and there you get a bunch of things you wanted"
