Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Puranic Divisions of Time [Interesting and worth reading!] :)

The 3 main divisions of time employed in the Hindu Scriptures are 'The Yugas', 'The Manvantaras', and 'The Kalpas'.
There are 4 Yugas, which together extend to 12,000 divine years. Their respective duration is as follows: -
The Krita Yuga                 =         4,800 divine years
The Tretā Yuga                =        3,600 divine years
The Dvāpara Yuga            =         2,400 divine years
The Kāli Yuga                  =        1,200 divine years
1 Mahayuga                     =        12,000 divine years
"1 year of Mortals is equal to 1 day of the Gods." As 360 is taken as the number of days in the year...[Therefore, 1 divine year = 360 yrs of mortals]. So,
The Krita Yuga      = 4,800 x 360      =   17,28,000 yrs of mortals [ord. yrs.] 
The Tretā Yuga      = 3,600 x 360      =   12,96,000 yrs of mortals [ord. yrs.]
The Dvāpara Yuga = 2,400 x 360      =    8,64,000 yrs of mortals [ord. yrs.]
The Kāli Yuga        = 1,200 x 360      =   4,32,000 yrs of mortals [ord. yrs.]
1 Mahayuga           = 12,000 x 360    =   43,20,000 ordinary mortal years
"One Mahāyuga, or Great Age, including the 4 lesser Yugas, therefore, being 12,000 divine years = 43,20,000 years of mortals. "
"A 1000 such Mahāyugas are a Day of Lord Brahmā, and his nights are of equal duration."
So, a 2000 such Mahayugas make a complete day and night of Lord Brahma..!!! :O :)
"A Kalpa, or a day (not night), of Brahmā, therefore extends over 4,32,00,00,000 [12,000 x 360 x 1000] ordinary years."
"Within each Kalpa 14 Manus reign; a Manvantara, or period of a Manu, therefore, is consequently one-fourteenth part of a Kalpa or a day of Brahmā."
A Simple calculation by me to illustrate the profoundness of the Puranic Divisions of Time I explained above:
Since a day (not night) of Brahma = 4,32,00,00,000 ord. yrs.
Therefore 1 hour of Brahma    = 4,32,00,00,000 divided by 12 = 36,00,00,000 ord. yrs.
30 mins of Lord Brahma          = 36,00,00,000 divided by 2      = 18,00,00,000 ord. yrs.
15 mins of Lord Brahma          = 18,00,00,000 divided by 2      = 9,00,00,000 ord. yrs.
[Since, 15mins = 900 seconds...]
1 second of Lord Brahma = 9,00,00,000 divided by 900 = 1,00,000 ord. yrs.
Therefore, 1 second of Lord Brahma = 1 Lakh Ordinary Years..!!! :O :D :) 8-O

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